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      02-07-2020, 11:46 PM   #16
Free Thinker
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Join Date: Jan 2009
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Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
Well, it depends how you use FB. It's basically a big feedback loop. You look and interact with a lot of friends posting bs you will see more bs.

Because of my business I need a FB account regardless. That being said I personally find it quite useful. I sell more shit in their marketplace than I do on craigslist of any of the other sites. I'm also a member of several groups about trucks and rvs. Just like this forum, I can pretty much find a fix for anything in my rv on one of those groups. If not I can post my issue and get a ton of people helping.

Since that is the main thing I use FB for (other than work stuff) pretty much all I see in my feed is post from my truck or rv group. There are even some groups who have a lot of whiny people, but I still like to be in the group so I can search it when I have issues, I just silence those groups or whatever and I don't see their posts in my stream.

I really only interact and post stuff to maybe 10 people who are either close friends or family, so occasionally I will see one of their posts in between my rv groups. You can also silence specific people if you don't want to see their shit.

So honestly, aside from the privacy issues, I'm not sure what all the whining is about (in general). If you don't get any value from it then dump it. Not sure why there would be any debate.
Finally a positive note. I feel the same in many ways. It can be useful for me and I know how to silence the voices I don't want to hear. My current aversion issue is more a protest than a security concern. Normally I would hate what FB is as a corporate entity, but its usefulness is just not replicated elsewhere.

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