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      06-24-2020, 08:19 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Drop the hammer View Post
Also when eating out, order all sauces or dressings on the side and just dip the occasional bite into it. Or eliminate altogether if you can. The dips, sauces and dressings make healthy food turn into really unhealthy food. Plus adding huge calories. Once you get used to real food flavour and not the sauce flavour, you will get used to it . Then you will realize how sugary many dressings are. You’ll also uncover how many restaurants serve lower quality meats and unripened veggies and just hide the poor flavours with a sugary fatty sauce.
I do enjoy a lot of hot sauces though!
Go here : and spend a few hours on this site. It talks about everything you need to know to start understanding in DETAIL what you need to do.

1) Find your daily maintenance caloric intake to maintain your CURRENT weight.

2) 99.9% of people don't weigh and measure their food they eat so they have NO IDEA how many calories they are intaking. People are lazy and stupid and just lazy. We all know that...people smiling right now I'm sure as we always laugh it off. Human nature because we're all guilty of it.

3) Don't think CARDIO. Think proven weight lifting program - MOST IMPORTANT! Build muscle, burn fat, look and feel 100% better!!

4) Hydrate sufficiently daily
5) Get plenty of rest

Now that you have general ideas listed above here is what you need to do.

CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE and MAKE A GOAL! First and most difficult step. Here is the solution- follow along- Bodybuilders workout almost daily, they lift weights for a reason. Take a look at their bodies... All muscle and little fat. Why? Forget steroids for a second, that's for the professionals. They are eating at a surplus (above maintenance level) to build muscle which is what you HAVE to do to build muscle for starters. Knowing what MACROS are. Protein, Carbs and Fat intake. How much? Example- male weighing 185 pounds must take in at least 185 grams of protein to have a chance of building muscle because protein builds muscle. A MUST! Carbs are for energy and GOOD FAT (fish, nuts are essential) . So your DIET is key!! Quit eating processed crappy foods. Whole foods only! Clean up your diet. No more pizza, burgers, chips, soda, beer, etc. CHANGE your lifestyle!! Eating out is the worst! SALT CITY! Terrible!

I failed badly when I started several years ago. Starved myself because I cut my calories far to low (felt like shit) and just did CARDIO. I was always hungry because my metabolism was going 100 miles an hour and I was not eating enough because I was stupid and uneducated about this. I lost 35lbs which made me look like shit. Still no muscle...skinny fat. SO I got on the website and studied. THen it started to click.

Proven weighlifting program, caloric intake corrected, macros dialed in, diet corrected, weighed and measured my food until I knew almost exactly how many calories I was taking in daily to adjust my diet along the way if need be. To build muscle you must eat at a surplus. You will gain muscle and a little fat if your diet if spot. Its called BULKING. Eating below is called CUTTING. Right now I am on a CUT. I am losing a pound a week which is a slow CUT which means I am eating about 200 calories below my daily maintenance level so I dont lost muscle mass which is what happens if you drop calories too low and insufficient macros. My workouts have adjusted because the lower caloric intake the less strength you have so you can't lift as heavy as when you were eating at a surplus so I can increase my sets and lower the amount of weights per set. Hypertrophy is what I'm focused on.

My goal is get between 10-12% bodyfat and maintain my current muscle mass. I want to get ripped as they called. 6 pack, etc. This take a while!!

Bottom line is Cardio is good for the heart and lungs. Sure it burns calories. Great! But as we get older our metabolism slows down, we lose muscle mass and look like skin and bones. NO MUSCLE!! I don't care how old you are people need to do weight training . If you do this then the more muscle you build burns more calories while youre sleeping!! You look and feel better. The mirror never lies!! Seth Feroce says LOOK GOOD NAKED! Look him up on YouTube. Great guy, no nonsense approach!

This should get you started in the right direction but YOU and ONLY YOU have to make the lifestyle change. Once you set your mind to it you can do anything. Stop being a lazy sob like everyone else and come up with the usual excuses that you don't have time. BULLSHIT! Suck it up and do it if you really want this. I did and I couldn't feel better!! I'm up at 6 am every day, do to the gym to do something! 5 days of weight lifting, split in between. Off days I'm working on my core and light cardio just to keep burning calories and stay active. GETR DONE!
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