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      04-26-2018, 01:06 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Alfisti View Post

Trust an older man, take the fucking advice. The rest of your life is a long time, be absolutely fucking merciless.

Move on.
Totally agree. Just think about having to spend the rest of your life with this will be the one to suffer, not them.

I spent 20 years with a spouse who was the same way. I wanted to do athletic or active things, and she wanted to sit around unless it was a vacation with the "girlfriends". The only reason we lasted as long as we did was I was in the military so was gone a lot and we had kids and did the best I could not to blow things up. As I approached military retirement, I basically said what I wanted and that essentially ended my marriage in fairly quick order. Oh and when you think you might have a friendly divorce, no you won't. They will go for the jugular every. single. time. I've been busting my butt in the mean time to make sure the financial impact is as little as possible.

Learn from us, don't do it.
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